So Much To Be Thankful For…
As 2024 comes to a close we have so much to be thankful for. We started the year not having any scheduled missions. We waited on the Lord to open doors and show us a plain path, and He certainly did.
A Season of Blessings
New Fuel Tank for Auxiliary Generator
Our auxiliary diesel generator is mounted on the deck, exposing it to the harsh salt air environment of the Caribbean Sea. The fuel tank was made of regular carbon steel, and even though I preserved it to the best of my ability, the bottom of the tank rusted very badly. It was to the point we had to stop using it. After consulting with several people, we settled on a different design for a replacement tank. We purchased marine grade aluminum panels and angle. A local welder made us a tank slightly longer than our last tank. We constructed a frame of heavy aluminum angle to hold the diesel generator and put the tank inside the frame.
Trust in the Lord with all thy heart….
Thank you for praying, the LORD filled our calendar !
Mary and I spent January and the first part of February doing some much needed maintenance projects on Sea Hope and then we went to North Carolina to attend the WGCR Share A Thon at Anchor Baptist. We were greatly blessed to hear some tremendous preaching and music, and enjoy fellowship with new and old friends.
We started 2023 with three planned trips to Haiti. One was to be a medical clinic, one a dental clinic, and the other a vision clinic. Two of those trips were canceled due to the ongoing security situation in Haiti. In the place of those two canceled trips, God gave us three other missions. Looking back, 2023 was our most productive year.
…Exceeding Abundantly Above…
Our God is able to do so much more than we can ever imagine. He knows our every need. He supplies so that His work can be done. Unto Him be the glory.
As I mentioned in our last newsletter, we had to leave Safe Harbor Puerto del Rey marina due to a change in their policy of mooring vessels on the seawall.
Together For the Cause of Christ
Dear Friends of Sea Hope
Annual Shipyard Maintenance
We have just completed a very busy spring and early summer. February and early March was spent gathering parts and material for our annual haul out in Virgin Gorda, BVI. This led to a very productive maintenance period where the hull was cleaned, inspected, and painted, and some important corrective maintenance was performed. This boat yard is only 75 miles from Puerto Rico and it is really a blessing to have such a facility close at hand.
On Some Have Compassion, Making A Difference
Dear Friends of Sea Hope
Mary and I went home in early November for a granddaughter’s wedding and to spend the holidays with family. While there we were blessed to present the Sea Hope ministry at two churches and attend a mission’s conference at a third. It is always refreshing to be with fellow believers. Thankfully all three churches partnered with us. What a privilege and blessing to have those 3 new congregations praying for us! Additionally, I recently went to a church here in Puerto Rico and they also partnered with us, and several of the men want to serve on Sea Hope. Praise the Lord.
Watching and Waiting
SEA HOPE returned in early August to Puerto Del Rey Marina after carrying medical supplies to Emmanuel Medical Center in Haiti. Our mission then changed to one of watching the weather since we were in peak hurricane season.
striving together…
During our medical clinic trip to Haiti this past February 27-March 3rd, I had the privilege to tour Emmanuel Medical Center in Cayes Jacmel. The buildings have suffered from age, earthquakes and tremors; the equipment has not been updated in decades. A rebuild of the buildings is in progress under the direction of missionary Kevin Falde.
Our God is Able…
Our God is able...Sea Hope has had a busy and blessed quarter. Mary and I returned from our Christmas visit with family and friends and we hit the ground running. Frank Olafson came down in late January and we installed the second water maker giving us the ability to produce 100 gallons of water per hour. We also tackled several other corrective maintenance projects, and then started painting the berthing compartments getting ready for the medical clinic trip to Haiti.
A busy, blessed summer
A Busy,Blessed Summer
We started it when we brought Sea Hope to Puerto Del Rey Marina in Puerto Rico following our relief mission to the island of St. Vincent in May. Mary and I then went to North Carolina for 2 weeks to attend our grandson’s wedding. After returning, Mary cleaned and painted the condominium we are renting while here in Puerto Rico. I worked on Sea Hope and started planning a return trip to St. Vincent to deliver a load of hospital beds and medical supplies.
Lots of Fingerprints
On April 9th, Mary and I were in North Carolina to enjoy Easter with our family. On the tiny Caribbean island of St Vincent, the La Soufia volcano erupted. Over the next 3 weeks, over 30 eruptions and associated earthquakes happened.
Welcome Aboard
David and Vicki Shaffer
David Shaffer was our pastor when we were members at Neuse Baptist in Raleigh, NC. He retired a couple of years ago. He recently was led to join our ministry as a board member for MY Sea Hope and as Deputation Director.
January 2021 Newsletter
Friday November 20th the LORD allowed us to take SEA HOPE to her homeport at Gulfport Mississippi Municipal Marina. Thank you to Billy Nelson and his grandson Jon of Ocean Springs, MS and Rick and Tristan Smith of Pickens, SC for coming on short notice to help Mary and I move her from Jemison Marine in BAYOU LA BATRE, ALABAMA where the new flooring was finished.
October 2020 Newsletter
"Sea Hope Brings Hope to the Hopeless"
Sea Hope’s first mission is completed after delivering 40,000 pounds of rice to two pastors of like faith in Haiti . These men will distribute the rice among our brethren in need, fulfilling Galatians 6:10.
Operation GO
“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” (Galatians 6:10).
February 2020 Newsletter
February found Mary and I once again standing amazed at how God provides when you trust, obey and keep walking by faith. Our trip to Puerto Rico confirmed to us that it is the ideal location to base Sea Hope.
December 2019 Newsletter
Mary And I Have Had A Front Row Seat To Witness Miracles
As the year 2019 comes to a close, all I can say is God has been so good to MY SEA HOPE. We started the year praying for God’s clear direction and provision. The boat was for sale in Seattle, Washington and we were in North Carolina with a burden and a vision, but no money. In the space of 4 months, GOD (as only He can do) miraculously provided the funds to make a full price cash purchase of the boat and pay for the move to the Gulf coast.
October 2019 Newsletter
Two days before leaving on our journey to bring SEA HOPE around to her home port, we received our 501 (c) 3 paperwork from the CLA! This simply means that the ministry of MY SEA HOPE, Inc. is now a stand alone entity.