July 2019 Newsletter


One hymn writer instructs us to count our blessings and name them one by one. If I was to try to do that, this newsletter would turn into a book. Where do I even start?

We purchased SEA HOPE on June 20th. It is paid in full. The owner greatly reduced the price since he could not deliver on all his promises. It is a blessing that we got the boat at the price we did, but we now have to pay for some major items that were part of the original price...things such as a second life raft, certification of the fire fighting equipment and systems, and the exterior painting. I am especially thankful that we get to paint the boat instead of the seller, per the original contract. We will be going to a boat yard in Alabama to have the work done by professionals and we should get a much better product.

In GOD"s timing, the crew has really come together. We are now looking at a total of 11 people to crew the boat for the move from Seattle to the Gulf Coast. In June, two of the men spent nearly 3 weeks in Seattle with Mary and I getting her "ready to sail" and the boat is in much better shape for the trip because of what we saw as a "delay." We were able to take SEA HOPE out for sea trials, and she did well. We lived on the boat for 10 days prior to the sea trials and really learned a great deal about her and her systems. Mary now recognizes the sound of a "sump pump" and how important that is in the Galley when the dishwasher is running. ;)

Once we closed on the purchase of SEA HOPE, it was discovered that the seller's title expired the end of June, so we could not travel with a Bill of Sale and his title. We immediately applied to the Coast Guard for a new Certificate of Documentation, but this takes about 6 weeks to get back, we've been told. This "delay" allows me and the two other men who where "hands-on" during June to work on writing more detailed operating and casualty procedures for use during the underway. Having written procedures to operate equipment or to fight a casualty goes a long way to ensuring things are done in a decent and orderly manner (and the older I get, the more I realize a checklist is a good thing).

There are so many other blessings I could name, but those are enough for me to shout about. The Lord’s timing is amazing. The delay in moving the boat also means we will transit the Pacific Coast after the height of the hurricane season there and we should arrive on the Gulf Coast near the end of their hurricane season.


In the midst of God’s blessings, I would be remise not to share a way that you could help us and share in the blessing as well. The transit will be about 40 days long and with a crew of 11, Lord willing, 12, we will need a lot of food. I estimate the cost around $5000. All the crew are volunteering their time for 6 weeks and we are not asking them to pay for their meals. Our coffers are getting a bit low. If you could help sponsor these missionaries by donating towards the food cost, it would be appreciated greatly, and according to Luke 8:38, you will be blessed. Our new departure date is around August 25th. Thank you for your continued prayers for our safety during transit and on the mission fields ahead.

Please pray for and thank GOD for the Transit Crew- Call their names in prayer

Please pray for and thank GOD for the Transit Crew- Call their names in prayer
Capt. Buddy & Mary Puryear
Antioch Missionary Baptist, Burlington, NC
Cole Burge
Refuge Baptist, Clarkesville, GA
Gina Duarte
Good News Baptist, Chesapeake, VA
Barney Hall
Good News Baptist, Chesapeake, VA
Nathan Kibler
First Baptist Church, New Lisbon, WS
George Kindel
Groton Heights Baptist, Groton, CT
Billy Nelson
First Baptist of Windsor Pk, Ocean Springs, MS
Frank Olafson
Neuse Baptist, Wake Forest, NC
Kasarah Puryear
The Summit, Apex, NC
Mike Wosnak
Neuse Baptist, Wake Forest, NC

Needed: Dedicated Ship's
Engineer, apply through your Heavenly Father


October 2019 Newsletter
