Mary and I rejoice in all the Lord has done to establish the ministry of SEA HOPE. We started praying in August 2018 for HIS guidance and provision, and HE has worked wonders.
By God’s grace, HE:• lead us to find a suitable boat that requires very little work to make ready for the field.
• lead 3 very Godly, mature men to serve on the board of a 501(c)3 to own and operate the boat.
• allowed us to team up with BEAMS Bibles to help them distribute Bibles to their missionaries in the Caribbean and Central America.
• allowed us to team up with Operation Renewed Hope to help support short term medical clinics and conduct disaster relief operations in the Caribbean basin.
• wondrously provided the funds to purchase the boat.
God has birthed the MY Sea Hope ministries, and we just praise Him for that.
Buddy & Mary attending ORH Medical Missions Summit at Maranatha Baptist University
Prayer Requests
1. Mechanic to Ride SEA HOPE for Transit
Volunteer to watch over Engineering systems: Diesel Engines & Generators (which are in great shape but have been in layup for 8 years)
Potable water, plumbing & auxiliary systems No temporal Pay; Need passport
2. USCG licensed Captain to help with Transit
Please encourage anyone you know who could help with either of these needs to step forward. Not only would they be serving the Lord, but it should be quite the adventure.
3. Wisdom from the LORD as we lay a sustainable foundation for SEA HOPE.
May 8-14th
I am going to Seattle to conduct sea trials/shake down on SEA HOPE. The current owner is getting systems back in operation and those will be tested, and once satisfactory, we will complete the purchase of the boat.
Additionally, one of my board members is going with me, and we want to install a washer/dryer on the boat and do a couple of other small jobs to make the boat ready for relocation to Gulfport, Mississippi.
Mid June
I would like to leave Seattle for Gulfport, MS It takes about 40 days to make the trip. If we are delayed, we might have to postpone the trip until August, since our oldest grandchild will be getting married on August 3rd (are we really THAT old!!!). Pray for us, the LORD’S timing is always perfect.